ISO 14 001

Environmental management system

Environmental management means a systematic approach to environmental protection in all aspects of business. Companies can use this system to integrate environmental care into their business strategy and day-to-day operations.

The approach consists of creating, setting up and maintaining a suitably structured environmental management system (EMS) that is part of the overall management system and covers all elements of the enterprise’s environmental behaviour.

Although introducing an EMS is, as in the case of a quality management system (QMS), entirely voluntary for a company, business leaders are fully aware that if their company is to succeed in a competitive environment, their business strategy and planning will have to incorporate environmental issues to an unprecedented extent.

In essence there are two regulations for setting up an EMS:
  • the technical standards of the ISO 14000 series, represented mainly by the Czech standard ČSN EN ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems – Specifications with guidance for use
  • EEC Council Regulation No 1836/93 EMAS

The result of setting up an EMS is, on the one hand, a contribution to the company having sustainable economic growth and prosperity, on the other hand, a gradual reduction of the negative impacts its activities, products or services have on the environment. This strategy of socially responsible business is based on the principle of sustainable development, which ensures present needs without jeopardizing the chances of future generations to meet their needs. It is also known as a Win-Win strategy. Reducing the environmental burden increases a business’s competitiveness.

Management objectives when implementing ISO 14001 in the company:

  • establishing order
  • being fully compliant with legal requirements
  • improving relations with the public and public administration
  • gaining credentials (ISO 14001 certificate, EMAS registration) that help in business

Nowadays companies not only rate the financial benefits of environmental management (savings, increased production efficiency, expanded market potential), but also assess the risks resulting from inadequate organizational and technical elements of environmental protection (accidents, inability to obtain bank credit and other financial investments, loss of markets and customers).

Some of the main benefits of a working EMS are:

  • a reduction in operating costs, savings on energy, raw materials and other resources
  • a reduced risk of environmental accidents caused by the company
  • increased business credibility for investors, financial institutions, insurance companies, public administration
  • greater opportunities in the export sector and in government procurement and business support
  • a strengthening of public relations

Above all, the company must:

  • identify and control environmental aspects, impacts and risks
  • formulate and implement its environmental policy, objectives and programmes in line with the requirements of environmental legislation
  • set aside, by means of programmes, the necessary resources to achieve these objectives and assign responsibilities
  • define and document environmental management approaches
  • document specific procedures that ensure each employee behaves in a manner that helps minimize or eliminate negative environmental impacts in the course of their day-to-day work
  • communicate the responsibilities and instructions throughout the company and train employees to carry out their duties effectively
  • measure and regularly review their activities pursuant to predetermined standards and targets and take corrective action in the event of non-compliance
  • present the results to the public

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    SUSS Consulting s.r.o. has been operating on the market since 1997 and is an experienced consulting organization that offers a wide range of services to its customers. The main activity of the company is the implementation of quality systems and possible preparation of clients for certification according to international standards. We also deal with process mapping and subsequent – process analysis, in order to simplify processes, reduce costs and increase efficiency in companies.

    Company headquarters

    Vinohradská 939/39
    120 00 Prague 2


    tel.: +420 241 411 300
    fax: +420 241 410 678


    IČ: 251 33 781
    DIČ: CZ251 33 781

    Company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 52502.