Lean manufacturing

A methodology developed by Toyota after World War II and called the Toyota Production System (TPS). It concerns an approach to production in which the supplier tries to satisfy the customer’s requirements as much as possible by only producing what the customer demands. It endeavours to manufacture products in the shortest possible time and at the lowest possible cost, without sacrificing quality or at the expense of the customer. This is achieved by minimizing waste.

Its principle is to overhaul the profit equation as follows:

  • Cost + Profit = Price
    changes to:
  • Price – Cost = Profit

Changing the equation in line with the philosophy of this methodology should result in the customer not paying for the company’s errors and costs, as in the first equation.

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    SUSS Consulting s.r.o. has been operating on the market since 1997 and is an experienced consulting organization that offers a wide range of services to its customers. The main activity of the company is the implementation of quality systems and possible preparation of clients for certification according to international standards. We also deal with process mapping and subsequent – process analysis, in order to simplify processes, reduce costs and increase efficiency in companies.

    Company headquarters

    Vinohradská 939/39
    120 00 Prague 2


    tel.: +420 241 411 300
    fax: +420 241 410 678



    IČ: 251 33 781
    DIČ: CZ251 33 781

    Company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 52502.